The Perfect Killer

Mila receives a desperate phone call from her teenage stepdaughter Charlie.

About the Movie

When Mila receives a desperate phone call from her teenage stepdaughter Charlie, her husband Jack, flies out of bed to find her. As Jack arrives at the meeting point, he is fatally shot. Charlie later comes home, unharmed, and it is obvious that she did not make the call. After Jack’s body is found, they realize they were victims of an AI voice scam. Charlie has recently reconnected with her estranged birth mother, Alyssa, who lost all rights to see her until she turned 16. Emotions run high as the pair quickly bond and both of Charlie’s motherly figures adjust to one another. The more Charlie learns from Alyssa about her past, the more she wonders if she ever truly knew her father. Tensions heighten after Mila escapes an attack from an unknown assailant. Possible suspects pile up when the police find out that Alyssa is back in the picture, Mila was filing for a divorce from Jack, and that Jack was having an affair with a family friend Rebecca. Is the AI killer someone close to them? Will they be caught on time to prevent the next murder? JaNae Armogan, Laura Provenzano, Kirsten Comerford, Jason Reilly, and Sayla de Goede star (2025)

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